James’ Idea – ‘Kill Your Friends’

Script chose to pitch for the project: Opening scene of the book (2008) and film (2015), Kill Your Friends.

I have chosen to pitch this script, as I feel it is a sequence that would transfer well to a purely audio format. I think this as the scene itself is mainly dialogue, with a large part of this being a conversation between two characters, ROGER and STELFOX. Furthermore, there is a running narration that intertwines between the conversation, which establishes the narrative of the scene and the entire film/book.

Music will also be included in the scene, although it would not run throughout the entirety of the scene. This is because the heavy dialogue would provide enough of a narrative tempo to keep a constant flow to the entire piece. Because of this, the music would be used as a marker, fading in and out at appropriate points.

Throughout the scene, there are various noises that would be heard, which would need to be reconstructed in post-production using Foley sound. In this, there would be sounds, such as sniffing of Cocaine, glasses hitting tables and the lighting of cigarettes.

Below this is a link to a PDF file that contains the dialogue of my proposed sequence, which would be adapted into a radio drama.

Script Kill Your Friends Just Dialogue

For the writing of the dialogue in this script, I adapted both the passage from the book and the sequence in the film. For the second draft of this script, I simply developed it further, making it into a functioning narrative rather than purely dialogue-heavy script. For this, I added in pieces of direction for voice actors, as well as a short introduction to the characters and the emotions of the scene. As well as this, I have included the Foley sounds required and indicated when they will be used within the script.

Kill Your Friends Edited Draft – Including Foley and direction.

An issue with this script thus far is the fact I am not sure whether, during an actual recording of the script, it would last for the full five minutes required for this project. Nonetheless, I have done a read through the script to myself and it took 4 minutes and 42 seconds, however, this was not including any Foley, which would push the time back another 15-30 seconds, taking the script to the required length of five minutes.