Jeff Sound

Foley Script Breakdown

Sound Needed – Method (* – ambiance)

Scene 1

Police sirens –

Coin in Jar –

*Fist hitting table –

*Scuffling/gasps –

*Coat flapping –

Coin in swear jar –

* Possible Swoosh –

Coin in swear jar –

Coin in jar (bg) –

Laughter –

Sigh –

Bump table –

Door opens –

Scuffling –

Ambient chatter –

Door closes/chatter ends –

Blinds close –

Chair scratching –

“But sir” –

Transition  Office door opening, car door, sirens, car revving, (breaks), sirens stop, door, motor of automatic door, office door slams open (bell?)

Chewing gum, tannoy turns on

*Over mic*

Officers say hello

Pen hits officer, Yelp

*Monologue Foley* distant sound?

Car pulls up

Play line?

Kissy noises

Surprised ooo



Newspaper slam

Crane and large vehicle alarm


Bean slop & sizzle

Ah ha

Blade and scream

Fun run, cheers, claps

Trophy turn scrape


Slow clap

Paper slammed


Trouser leg

Order Sound

Dialogue – sfx – Foley…. initial audio – rough cut – final mix

Spotting Table

Audio type – time in – time out – description

Editing Processes

  • Editing/mastering Foley
  • Mastering voice lines
  • Creating dummy track
  • Ordering voice lines
  • Filling in Foley
  • Initial levels pass
  • Layering in music
  • Secondary levels
  • Final mastering

48kHz sample rate

24 bit

Mastering Process

Eq – normalise – compress – normalise


Extract mono files

normalise (-3)db

graphic eq (20 band) (epo1) – brings up high end slightly to make low voices less muddy 

dynamics processing (dynam HF) – Levels out the audio, bringing the higher peaks more in line, whilst still leaving dynamics. 

parametric equalizer – brings up high end and low end



Once I had run an initial processing pass on the voice files I cut up the footage and ordered it on the first track, for some lines I had to use multiple takes to create one usable voice line, due to pops on the track etc.

Once I had ordered the clips I started layering in the Foley on the parts that required it, starting with the smaller effects and making sure they fit in with the piece.

Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 12.29.39

For larger effects they often required layering of effects and altering the volume to get it to fit into the piece. One of the more challenging sequences was the transition between scenes in the style of Edgar Writes transition in the movies, finding the correct places to cut an layer the effects took quite a while. Another effect that took some more work was the speech over the loud speaker in the super market, as we had used the same voice actor for 2 different characters, that happened to be quite close together, I needed to find a way to make them audibly distinct. So I thought of making the 2nd character sound like it was played over a speaker in the supermarket, I achieved this through using a combination of up pitching and reverb to achieve the desired effect.